The allotment of berth would be informed through SMS and can be checked from the enquiry counters or by dialing of a PNR or none will be transferred to alternate train in same class. To make the online interface more friendly, Railways would also Initially, the passengers who are booking tickets online only can can be checked from the enquiry counters or by dialing 139. As per the scheme, either all passengers of a PNR or none will be transferred to alternative train in the same class. A new railway enquiry number 138, which will provide a host of value The registration for the 138 service will be allowed either online or through mobile phones. While people in Delhi are already using the 139 number for these services, the service With nearly 300k followers on Twitter, more than any other train operator in the UK, it also has the highest levels of engagement with its online community Any of the team who then pick up on an enquiry which began, say, a few day’s before, can When Collinson, finance director of Hedon-based PGD Limited, realised the game was up, he boarded a train bound for Edinburgh, sparking a missing person's enquiry. Yesterday Mr Tuniewicz asked Collinson to check online, but he said he could not Options to book Indian Railway tickets, check pnr status, seat availabity, pnr enquiry etc are online. Indian Railways is the government owned railway company, which owns and operates most of the country's rail transport. Indian Railways transports over 20 . site has been developed by Indian Railway’s National Train Enquiry System (NTES) and promises to the needs of modern-day Indian Railways passengers and their expectations of online user experience. What really stands apart in this Earlier, PNR status was either found at the station enquiry counter or on the phone whereas now, one can check his/her railway PNR status online on the Indian Railways' website. All one needs to do to check his/her PNR status is to enter their 10 digits When we visited the site, we were greeted with a message that reads: “, an online interface for Indian Railway’s National Train Enquiry System (NTES), is preparing itself for a new look and functionality. We are opening this new version MUMBAI: Vodafone entered into a strategic partnership today with Bharat BPO, an arm of the Railways, to provide an integrated train enquiry service as well as enable online booking of to book rail e-tickets, seek PNR status, cancel tickets, get refunds .
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